PopMM - 17/05/24 00:00

[00:00] Lucas in
[00:02] [GoD]Eric in
[00:08] Zpektrix_TAS in
[00:08] Zpektrix_TAS out
[00:08] Zpektrix_TAS in
[00:08] Lucas out
[00:09] ruzcas in
[00:12] Lovenji_OP out
[00:33] adray_tsi in
[00:35] [GoD]Rbwilson> damn venom
[00:35] [GoD]Rbwilson> wtf was that performance lol
[00:35] [OP]fer> ?
[00:35] [GoD]Rbwilson> blmaing mouse haha
[00:35] [GoD]Rbwilson> blaming*
[00:35] [OP]fer> host not mouse
[00:35] [GoD]Rbwilson> and then saying diff host.
[00:36] [OP]fer> what do you want from me
[00:36] [OP]fer> check my shaman stats in other games
[00:36] [OP]fer> idc
[00:37] [OP]fer> https://www.popre.net/game.php?id=496278
[00:38] [OP]fer> I dont care if they win I only said next time diff host pls
[00:38] [OP]fer> especially on sess
[00:39] ExLordDeath out
[00:41] washedUp_tsi> yo Venom
[00:41] washedUp_tsi> Eric would like to 1v1
[00:41] [OP]fer> sure
[00:41] [D]Joseph> can host if you need
[00:41] [OP]fer> eric host should be fine
[00:42] [GoD]Rbwilson> let me watch eric
[00:42] [D]Joseph> oh thought ice and eric 1v1
[00:42] [D]Joseph> Interesting watching you on sess ice
[00:42] [GoD]Rbwilson> he said 1.5
[00:42] [D]Joseph> have a few things to try
[00:42] [GoD]Rbwilson> or 1.01 venom
[00:42] [GoD]Rbwilson> eric asked which one you want
[00:42] [GoD]Rbwilson> 1.5 or 1.01
[00:42] [OP]fer> rather 1.5
[00:42] [GoD]Rbwilson> k
[00:43] [OP]fer> my mouse is super slow in 1.01
[00:43] washedUp_tsi> thanks Joseph
[00:43] washedUp_tsi> i know a few things abotu sess :)
[00:43] [GoD]Rbwilson> whats wrong with it on 1,5
[00:43] [D]Joseph> yea your strat much different thans spins it seems
[00:43] [GoD]spinnimini> there is no much difference
[00:43] [GoD]spinnimini> lol
[00:43] [GoD]spinnimini> its sess
[00:45] washedUp_tsi> there really is
[00:48] [GoD]spinnimini> there is not
[00:55] [Rw]Carycyn in
[00:55] [D]Joseph> no spin there is
[00:55] [D]Joseph> well it seems because i learned from watching you
[00:55] [D]Joseph> on sess
[00:55] [D]Joseph> and for instance
[00:55] [D]Joseph> you wait to bild last 3 huts until wood had some time to regen and upgrade
[00:56] [D]Joseph> but ice build all huts and makes them empty then
[00:56] [D]Joseph> he selectively upgrades :monkahmm:
[00:56] [D]Joseph> but his seems to be a lot more involved tbh
[00:57] [GoD]spinnimini> i build fully base straight
[00:57] [GoD]spinnimini> what stream do you watch
[00:57] [GoD]spinnimini> lol
[00:57] [D]Joseph> hmm lmao
[00:57] [D]Joseph> well this was some time ago
[00:57] [D]Joseph> years even
[00:57] [GoD]spinnimini> ye must be years
[00:57] [GoD]spinnimini> but sess is simple and critical map
[00:57] [GoD]spinnimini> there r no different playstsyles
[00:57] [GoD]spinnimini> at all
[00:57] [GoD]spinnimini> that is bs
[00:58] [D]Joseph> to some degree yes
[00:59] [D]Joseph> like ice often expands forward i notice too
[00:59] [D]Joseph> instead of back base
[00:59] [GoD]spinnimini> do you call that strategy
[00:59] [D]Joseph> yes
[00:59] [GoD]spinnimini> lol
[00:59] [D]Joseph> everything you do to win is strategy
[00:59] [D]Joseph> every decision
[00:59] [D]Joseph> imo
[00:59] [GoD]spinnimini> imo not at all
[01:00] [GoD]spinnimini> not on sess
[01:00] [D]Joseph> i dont mean anyones bad or anything
[01:00] [D]Joseph> but like to see differing playstyles
[01:00] [GoD]spinnimini> no i know
[01:00] [GoD]spinnimini> butt hat doesnt make differences
[01:00] [D]Joseph> well sort of
[01:00] [D]Joseph> with meatier middle
[01:00] [D]Joseph> hardert to get into base
[01:00] [Rw]Carycyn> hi
[01:01] [D]Joseph> or enemy may focus spells on front sections instead of go deeper
[01:01] [D]Joseph> but you are the pro so i do see your opinion too xD
[01:02] [D]Joseph> for who he was up against venom did good
[01:03] [D]Joseph> hi Cary btw
[01:03] [Rw]Carycyn> sup
[01:03] [Rw]Carycyn> is there any chance of a 2v2 or 3v3
[01:03] [D]Joseph> watching some pop :eyes:
[01:03] [D]Joseph> unlikely
[01:03] [D]Joseph> doubt hw here
[01:05] [GoD]Rbwilson> sorry for talkin so much venom
[01:05] [OP]fer> gg
[01:05] [GoD]Rbwilson> but it hurt my eyes to watch that
[01:05] [OP]fer> blocked nigger
[01:05] [OP]fer out
[01:05] [GoD]Rbwilson> reported
[01:06] [Rw]Carycyn> wow that escalated fast
[01:06] [GoD]Rbwilson> hahahaha
[01:06] [GoD]Rbwilson> hes so mad LOL
[01:07] [GoD]Rbwilson> got his ass handed to him by eric
[01:07] [GoD]Rbwilson> eric was in his base 3 mins into the game
[01:07] [D]Joseph> dont agree with what he said but would be annoying for watcher to comment in game like that
[01:07] [Rw]Carycyn> well wasnt that expected considering eric skill on pp
[01:07] [GoD]Rbwilson> guy swears he so good, got an excuse everytime he loses
[01:07] [D]Joseph> id prob trigger too xD
[01:07] [GoD]Rbwilson> well i dislike this guy with a passion
[01:07] [GoD]Rbwilson> his attitude makes it deserving
[01:08] [D]Joseph> i think he did good with eric as opponent
[01:08] [GoD]Rbwilson> guy has prob the worst attitude
[01:08] [D]Joseph> guys not easy
[01:08] [GoD]Rbwilson> out of most in mm
[01:08] [GoD]Rbwilson> lol joseph
[01:08] [GoD]Rbwilson> eric was trolling hardcore all game
[01:08] [GoD]Rbwilson> it was obvious
[01:08] [GoD]Rbwilson> you saw his def? lol..
[01:08] [D]Joseph> mann im talking from my skill lvll
[01:08] [D]Joseph> id last 4 min vs eric
[01:08] [GoD]Rbwilson> you ''he did good''
[01:08] [GoD]Rbwilson> but i see what ur sayin
[01:09] [GoD]Rbwilson> joseph, come discord and awtch stream
[01:09] [GoD]Rbwilson> its spinn,ice,eric,and leaf playing
[01:09] [GoD]Rbwilson> good game right here
[01:09] [D]Joseph> hmm maybe i should say he did well for having eric as opponent instead
[01:09] [GoD]Rbwilson> you did say that loll
[01:09] [D]Joseph> xD
[01:09] [GoD]Rbwilson> [D]Joseph> i think he did good with eric as opponent
[01:09] [D]Joseph> who is streaming
[01:30] [D]Joseph> think eric is in game on leafs
[01:40] Luxray out
[01:40] Luxray in
[01:48] [Rw]Carycyn> do we have any way to find out if hes playing?
[01:48] [Rw]Carycyn> like after that game
[01:56] Garbageman in
[01:58] [Rw]Carycyn out
[01:59] [GoD]spinnimini out
[02:00] [GoD]Eric out
[02:07] [Rw]FreeMatt out
[02:14] sclowe1029 in
[02:16] [D]Joseph out
[02:19] SepulturaMb in
[02:27] Garbageman out
[02:40] Garbageman in
[02:43] adray_tsi out
[02:49] Garbageman out
[03:08] [Rw]Raver out
[03:11] SepulturaMb out
[03:13] adray_tsi in
[03:19] ruzcas out
[03:27] Garbageman in
[03:37] adray_tsi out
[04:01] washedUp_tsi out
[04:33] [GoD]Rbwilson out
[04:44] sclowe1029 out
[05:05] sclowe1029 in
[05:07] Zarza in
[05:36] Luxray out
[05:43] Garbageman out
[05:54] [Rw]FreeMatt in
[05:54] [Rw]FreeMatt out
[05:56] ExLordDeath in
[06:31] ExLordDeath out
[06:50] jammy in
[07:05] ExLordDeath in
[07:14] Zarza out
[07:45] eidei in
[07:49] Vulcan in
[07:51] Vulcan out
[07:51] Vulcan in
[07:54] eidei out
[07:56] eidei in
[07:57] eidei out
[07:57] eidei in